We are so pleased to reveal our stockists for our #PopUpShop. We've selected a stellar line up to fill the shop with yarn and stitch goodness.
FLYY Dyed @flyydyed
Fruitful Fusion @fruitfulfusion
Jo Knit Sew @joknitsew
Karoline Rerrie @karoline_rerrie
Mrs Lam Yarns @kalokshekellen
Ruth Green Designs @redrutho
Second City Yarns @secondcityyarns
Soft Accents UK @softaccentsuk
Stitches and Hos @stitchesandhos
The Scottish Yarn Festival @thescottishyarnfestival
Tina Francis @bytinafrancis
YarnTings @charmaine_yarntings
We'll be doing a spotlight on each of our stockists over the next few days on our IG account here. We'll also write a longer blog post with some information and lovely pics from our stockists.
Who are you excited to see at the shop?
Stitches and Hos Pop Up Shop
15 Nov - 10 Dec 2023
11-6pm Wed - Sat, 12-4pm Sun
Great Western Arcade, Birmingham, B2 5HU